Don't Feed Phil

Dieting can be a real challenge. Even more so during the holiday season! A few of my co-workers were on very restrictive diets around Halloween, so when I passed out some candy, I was met with frustration and anguish. Now that was just a piece of candy, imagine if someone on an incredibly restrictive diet has a holiday feast presented in front of them? Well, you don't have to imagine it, because Fresh Prince of Bel-Air already did that for us, and from it came some pretty hilarious memes.



In the episode of Fresh Prince called "Home is Where The Heart Attack is", (Which actually aired today in 1993!) Uncle Phil laments about all the food he'll be missing out on during Thanksgiving dinner. 

"I can't do this, I can't give up my favorite foods cold turkey! Oh my god, turkey... with pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes... butter drenched dressing.... tiny onions.... swimming in a sea of cream sauce!

Naturally his lament is ripe for memes, and so the remixes were made! The video above is my favorite of the remixes, and I think about it every year around Thanksgiving. You can see even more remixes  here!