Mobile Home Park Removed from Redevelopment Plan

Weston residents at a Community Development Authority meeting on the Stillwater Landing mobile home park. MWC photo by Mike Leischner.
Weston residents at a Community Development Authority meeting on the Stillwater Landing mobile home park. MWC photo by Mike Leischner.

VILLAGE OF WESTON, WI (WSAU) -- A mobile home park in Weston will no longer be part of the village's redevelopment plan.

At the Weston Community Development Authority meeting on Monday night, the board approved a recommendation to the full village council to remove properties from the Area 3 redevelopment project plan. This includes the Stillwater Landing Mobile Home Park that many thought could be shut down.

Jennifer Higgins the director of planning and development for Weston explains what the recommendation means for the mobile home park. "The mobile home park has been removed. It's still within the TIF district, it can receive TIF funding if needed. But it just limits some of the tools that the village can utilize for the property owner."

She clarifies that the park would not be able to use money from the village for park redevelopment purposes. "Like utilizing lease revenue bonds for future development within the park at a later date."

While changes may be coming on the village side of the issue, Higgins assures the mobile home park will remain. "The park would have continued on basically as it is anyway. But yes they have been removed from the redevelopment area and they will continue to exist as the current owner wishes."

The recommendation now goes to the full Village Board to vote on in their November meeting on November 19th.
