Conservative group wants immediate purge of voter rolls

Election Day graphic.
Election Day graphic.

MADISON, WI (WSAU)  A conservative group is asking a judge to order an immediate purge of Wisconsin's voter rolls. The Wisconsin Institute of Law and Liberty (WILL) argued that the Wisconsin Elections Commission is in contempt for not removing 200,000 suspect names immediately, as ordered by a lower court last month.

The Elections Commission met earlier this week, and deadlocked 3-3 on whether to remove the names of voters who did not respond to letters asking them to verify their addresses.

A ruling ordering the named to be removed was issued in November by a Sauk County judge. The case is being appealed by the state Democratic Party and the Wisconsin League of Women Voters. WILL has asked that further legal challenges go directly to the state Supreme Court.   

WILL says it is illegal for the state to ignore the court ruling, and that the elections commission could face up to $2,000 a day in fines.