Share your “Worst… Date… EVER” story by Sunday, February 21st (Don’t worry. You can share anonymously.)
Then, Rock 94.7 listeners will vote for the “Worst… Date… EVER” between Monday, February 22nd and ending at 8 AM on Monday, March 1st. To vote, text the number of your favorite story to 39327*.
The date with the most votes wins the “”Best… Date… EVER”, and $100 in gift cards from The Wellness Spa in Stevens Point and $100 in gift cards from Wickersham Jewelry in Rothschild, Marshfield and Rhinelander.
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Approved carriers for texting 39327 are: Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile, Sprint/Nextel/Boost, AT&T, U.S. Cellular, Cellcom and Element Mobile. Sprint users may need to call their customer service representative to have the short code functionality activated on their cell phones. For questions or support, please visit www.vibes.com/customer-care/.

Submit Your Story:
Your Worst… Date… Ever Stories:
For my birthday, I went on a date with my ex husband. We went to the bar to watch football and just relax. I had just gotten a piercing the day before in my nether regions. Within 5 minutes he was constantly on his phone and ignoring me. Within 20 minutes, he decided to go outside and ditched me at a bar about 15 miles from our house. Ditched on my birthday and i couldn’t get a ride for about 4 hours. Plus I forgot about the piercing and after I went to the bathroom I almost blacked out in the bathroom because it hurt so bad to wipe. Never forgot that day, and that is why is my ex husband!
Well I’d have to say my blind date experience, we were to meet at a local bar for some drinks, so to calm my nerves I got there early. So moments later she shows up orders a drink, turns to me n says “you look a lot like Axl Rose” I said oh cool I never heard that before. Then she replies “I hate Axl Rose” I was speechless and turned my bar stool forward drank my beer and never spoke another word.