Tuesday's sturgeon spearing head count

Sturgeon spearing went well on Tuesday on Lake Winnebago.

The DNR's Ryan Koenigs has information on Tuesday's sturgeon spearing. 

There were 23 lake sturgeon harvested from Lake Winnebago Tuesday bringing the season total to 360 fish. Stockbridge Harbor lead the way with 8 fish registered today followed by Waverly Beach (5), Wendt's (4), Calumet Harbor (3) and Payne's Point (3). The largest fish of the day was 112.8 pounds (67.9") and registered at Wendt's by Brian Voss of Van Dyne. A more detailed breakdown of today's harvest along with a photo of Brian and his fish can be viewed through the following links:
Day 11 - Harvest Report.pdf

Brian Voss_Wendts_2-19-2019.jpg