10 Simple Steps To Fight The Flu

Stay healthy during flu season.

I saw that a small school had to close due to an Influenza outbreak. In the Midwest we've already missed so much school due to weather conditions we can't afford to miss more school so here are some ways to keep your kids and yourself healthy during cold and flu season.

From UWhealth.org:

Getting flu vaccine is your best defense, but you may also use the following 10 tips to fight the flu this year:

  1. Wash your hands frequently, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, sneezing, being with ill people and especially before you eat
  2. Avoid sharing objects
  3. Avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes
  4. Get enough sleep and avoid getting "run down"
  5. Reduce stress
  6. Use tissues for coughs and sneezes and dispose of them immediately and appropriately
  7. Eat right and get regular exercise
  8. Avoid crowds and keep your distance from people whom you know are ill
  9. If you are sick, avoid contact with the frail, very young and elderly
  10. If you are sick, stay home from work or school