Dog Park Committee recommends 4th street site

Outline of the proposed dog park on S 4th Street in Wausau.
Outline of the proposed dog park on S 4th Street in Wausau.

WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) -- Wausau's Parks and Recreation Committee is expected to give final approval for the 4th street site as a preferred location for a downtown dog park.

"Fourth Street is our target site," said Dog Park Special Committee Chairman Tom Neal, adding that the final approval from the Parks and Rec committee will open the door for the group to pursue funding for the project "in earnest."

Exact funding commitments were not available, but Neal said the group has approached various foundations and businesses in the private sector to help launch the project, which could cost as much as $135,000 to complete all three phases.

The group is also willing to work with material providers who might be interested in donating to the park in exchange for sponsorship or some kind of signage in the facility.

Neal says that potential funding combined with committee approval puts the project on track to begin the first phase of construction later this summer including choosing a turf blend, which could be one of the most important decisions.

Depending on the blend chosen the grass may need to be planted as soon as August 15th to allow enough time for a solid base to be established before the park opens in the spring of 2020. "We might be looking at phase one as encircling the site, laying down the turf, and perhaps putting in the walking path and other infrastructure."

Subsequent construction phases currently include the installation of an irrigation system and shade buildings. Dog agility equipment and shade shelters are also included in the latest proposals.

Those on the committee agreed that the city could one day support a second park, so the other sites presented will be kept in mind. That list included sites on Bovine Lane and Brockmeyer park as well as a 10-acre parcel of land near Menards.
