Walker Weighs In on Trump Border Wall

Gov. Scott Walker (Midwest Communications)
Gov. Scott Walker (Midwest Communications)

MADISON, WI (MetroSource-WSAU) -- President Trump claims there is a growing humanitarian and security crisis at the U.S.-Mexican border. 

In his first Oval Office address last night, Trump called it a crisis of the heart and soul. 

Former Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker says illegal immigration is really about not obeying the law. "We believe this is a nation of laws. Certainly it's a nation of immigrants. We want people. Heck we've got more jobs than we've got people in our state right now. I want people to come here. I just want people to come here legally." 

Trump noted that illegal immigration strains public resources in the U.S.  He also noted the flow of illicit drugs across the border.  Trump made another case for a massive border wall on the southern border, calling it a "physical barrier."  He insisted that it would quickly pay for itself. 

Trump accused Democrats of refusing to acknowledge a growing border crisis.  Meantime, the President blamed Democrats for the ongoing, partial shutdown of the federal government.  He called it a choice between right and wrong and said Dems refuse to fund border security. 

Last month, Trump said he would be proud to shut down the government over border security.  
